The IBC requires a 2000# concentrated load according to section 1607.4. The software is not entirely clear to one unfamiliar with the code that this is required. It's also not clear if one enters the full 2000# or enters a reduced value to somehow correspond to the 2.5' x 2.5' area to which the load is applied. Only in the final report does a footnote hint that the software takes care of distributing the load. I say "hint" at that because I just worked with a structural engineer who was unclear on what value to enter, full load or distributed load. People unfamiliar with the code will likely not fill it in at all since it appears unnecessary if there is no point load for their load case. Reformatting could help people get it right.
Thanks for the Idea! We will look into this for a future release to make it more user friendly.
See this help article to gain more knowledge regarding safe loads:
The best way to enter safe loads for commercial jobs is have a quick load for it. You'll be able to have the safe load & any live/partition loads already part of the quick load. More quick load info: