GLULAMs are more complex, as their properties are quite different out of plane vs in-plane, where as sawn/PSL are relatively isotropic, at least to flexure. However, the GLUAM properties for out-of-plane loads are readily available, so it should be entirely possible. In fact, these more complex situations are EXACTLY WHEN WE NEED a piece of software like Forte to be able to help us identify the actual capacities.
GLULAMs are more complex, as their properties are quite different out of plane vs in-plane, where as sawn/PSL are relatively isotropic, at least to flexure. However, the GLUAM properties for out-of-plane loads are readily available, so it should be entirely possible. In fact, these more complex situations are EXACTLY WHEN WE NEED a piece of software like Forte to be able to help us identify the actual capacities.