When I transfer loads from joists (which are necessarily repetitive members with a spacing) please default to " Uniform (PLF)". I don't understand why I would ever use the other two options(??) Maybe the help should explain this better. Also default the reaction locations for PLF to "0 to [full length of current member]". This will be true 99% of the time in this situation and means I don't have to remember and/or mistype the length of the current member. The eyeball lookup is OK but I would rather this graphic be shown in the same dialog window.
you can use 0 as the start and type "r" for the 'right end of member'. See the location shorthand at this link. https://www.forteweb.com/Help/Content/D_Design%20Concepts/entering_loads_horizontal.htm?Highlight=LOAD%20LOCATION#LocationShorthand