At the moment, stud walls and posts in walls are not analyzed to include Kb and Kzb factors, as forte cannot tell if the location of the end of the member is not within 75mm. However, stud walls are typically always run with these factors. I am suggesting to add an input dialogue similar to what is done for lateral bracing, but to specify the distance to the edge of member (or even a simple yes or no to it being within this distance). Perhaps it defaults to not including the factor but can be changed by the designer. The shape bearing factor can be calculated based on the plate width (matches stud width) and the thickness of stud member, and can be applied accordingly. After speaking with the wood technical support, they mentioned that the shape factors are not applicable to how LSL plates bearing capacity was determined, and subsequently Kzb has been omitted from all wall/post calculations.
Having models that are listing members as failing in the job summary when they really aren't is not ideal, since who ever is reviewing the .4wf file might not assume to look into these factors since they are never listed as being used.